Amira Nouh, MD Board-Certified Dermatologist
- Dr. Amira Nouh is a Dermatologist in Cairo Hospital of Dermatology. She is a board certified by the Egyptian Board of Dermatology.
- Dr. Amira Nouh has practiced Dermatology for 10 years.
- Dr. Amira Nouh specializes in general and cosmetic dermatology
Dr. Amira Nouh has been practicing Dermatology in the public and private health sectors in Egypt through out her 10 years as a dermatologist. She graduated from Medical School of Cairo University Egypt. She was awarded a Master’s degree in Dermatology from Cairo University.
She has a strong background in cosmetic dermatology including and not limited to Botox, Fillers, Facial threads and laser treatment.
She was the head of the dermatology department in a private clinic in Saudi Arabia.
Azzam, Omar Ahmad, Marwa Salah El-Mesidy, Moataz Maher Kamel, and Amira Basyouny Nouh. "Evaluation of the Role of High-mobility Group Box 1 Protein in Patients With Keloids: A Case Control Study." Wounds: a Compendium of Clinical Research and Practice 31, no. 7 (2019): 179-183.